
 With the ongoing challenges of the war, we want to make sure that nobody is left out. 

Mishloach Manot/ Matanot L’Evyonim for Jerusalem’s Elderly Residents

Torat Reva Yerushalayim will be preparing Mishloach Manot/Matanot L’Evyonim packages which we will deliver to the neglected elderly of Jerusalem on Purim. The packages will include healthy snacks and Purim treats. Our goal is to prepare at least 450 packages for nine nursing homes!

The packages that we have delivered to Jerusalem’s elderly over the last 20 years were the ONLY gifts that these individuals received!

According to the Rambam: “gifts for the poor deserve more attention than the festive meal & gifts for friends because there is no greater, richer happiness than bringing joy to the hearts of needy people, orphans, widows and proselytes.”

*A donation of $18 covers a package for one senior citizen, $180 covers packages for an entire floor of a nursing home.

Mishloach Manot for the Evacuated Families

We will once again be preparing baskets for families who have been evacuated to Jerusalem hotels due to the war.

Baskets for the evacuated families are $36.

Mishloach Manot for the Soldiers who are Protecting Jerusalem

The baskets will contain coffee, tea and snacks. Each basket is shared by a group of soldiers.

Baskets for the soldiers are $54.

Mishloach Manot for Friends & Family

If you have friends or family in Israel, send a Basket of Love Mishloach Manot. Choose a sample from the website or contact us to design your own custom basket. Prices start at $36. All proceeds support Torat Reva Yerushalayim’s Chesed activities and Torah study classes for the elderly. Free delivery in Jerusalem!