
Coming full circle

Coming full circle

Parshat Vayigash opens with the following words (Breisheet 44:18): Yehuda approached Yosef and said, “Please master, let your servant speak a word in my master’s ears, and do not be angry with your servant; for you are equal to Pharaoh.” According to Breisheet Raba...

Who was Osnat?

Who was Osnat?

In Parshat Miketz, after Pharaoh put Yosef in charge of all of Egypt we read (Breisheet 41:45): “Pharaoh gave Yosef the name Tzafnat Paneiach, and he gave him Osnat, the daughter of Poti Phera, Kohen On as a wife.” In Breishhet 41:50-52 we read...

Unity in My Backyard

Unity in My Backyard

In Parshat Vayigash, Breisheet 46:27, we read “…All the “nefesh” (soul) of the house of Yaakov that came to Egypt were seventy.”   Rashi points out that the Jewish people were not called “nefashot”, souls. Rather they...