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Weekly Classes

For Women

Topic:  Mommy and Me Torah Study Group                                  
Time: Thursdays, 12:00 pm
Language: English. Sources will be distributed in Hebrew and English.
Location: Private homes in Jerusalem
Topic: Women in Jewish Law                                                          
Time:Wednesdays, 9:00 am
Location:Beit Sababa, Ramat Rachel Nursing Home

For Men and Women

Topic: Parshat HaShavuah, The Weekly Portion                           
Time: Mondays, 8:00 pm
Language: Hebrew (sources will be distributed in Hebrew)

Mishkenot Arnona, 8 Primo Levi 

Topic:Contemporary Halacha                                                           
Time:Mondays, 8:00 pm             
Location:Private Home, Arnona
Time:Thursdays, 5:30 pm
Location:Mishkenot Arnona, 8 Primo Levi

Seniors Programs

Topic: Jewish Values                                                                              
Time:Mondays, 10:15 am
Location:Beit Sababa Ramat Rachel Nursing Home
Topic: Parshat HaShavua/ The Weekly Portion                                
Time: Mondays, 8:00 pmTorah stdudy class at Neve Amit
Language: Hebrew

Mishkenot Arnona, 8 Primo Levi 

Topic: Women In Judaism 
Time: Mondays, 9:30 am
Language: English
Location: Neve Amit- Senior Residence
Topic: Parshat HaShavua/ The Weekly Portion
Time: Tuesdays 11:15 pm
Language: Hebrew
Location: Beit Sababa, Ramat Rachel Nursing Home
Topic: Parshat HaShavua/ The Weekly Portion
Time: Tuesdays,  12:15 am
Language: Hebrew
Location: Beit Frankforter Senior Center, Derech Beit Lechem, Baka
Topic:Parshat HaShavua/ The Weekly Portion                           
Time:Thursdays,  10:30 am
Location:Yerushalayim Shel Zahav Nursing Home - Arnona, Jerusalem
Time:Thursdays, 5:30 pm
Location:Mishkenot Arnona, 8 Primo Levi

 *Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  directly for addresses of classes in Private homes.


Monthly Classes

Shmita Learning Group

Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Nataf