A Land Flowing with Cottage Cheese and Honey?

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Sponsored in Memory of Dr. Moshe Carmilly on his First Yahrzeit

It is known throughout the world that the Land of Israel is a land flowing with milk and honey. ElAl even runs trips called Milk and
Honey tours!

We see the milk and honey theme throughout the Torah
including in this week’s Parsha, Parshat Korach and last week’s Parsha, Parshat

Datan and Aviram who join Korach in his rebellion against
Moshe actually use the description of “a land flowing with milk and honey” in
two different ways: (Parshat Korach, Devarim 16:13-14)

“It is but a pittance that you have brought us up from the
land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert, that you must exercise
power over us to make yourself powerful as well? Even into a land flowing with
milk and honey you have not brought us, and not given us an inheritance of
fields and vineyards if you put those people’s eyes out, even then we will not
go up.”

Datan and Aviram
claim that the Land of Egypt was a land flowing with milk and honey and now
that they are in the desert they are worse off since they have not been brought
into the promised Land of milk and honey (Israel) and were not given an
inheritance of fields and vineyards.

Even though they claimed that Egypt
was a land of milk and honey, they never said that Israel was not.

In the modern State of Israel there is no shortage of milk
or honey. The dairy products are so good here that you rarely see milk products
being brought into Israel from abroad.

The downside is that there is no competition and therefore
the cost of milk products continues to rise. At this point, the cost of cottage
cheese in Israel is double
the price of cottage cheese in Europe.

This week there was a public campaign in Israel to ban
cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is being used as a symbol for dairy products and
basic food products. The idea of the boycott is to make sure that every family
can buy these products at fair prices.

The problem with importing the products from overseas is
that Israelis will end up losing jobs.

We have to do what we can to lower the prices on dairy
products that are produced in Israel
so that we can truly take advantage of the fact that we are in an “Ertez zavat
chalav u’dvash”, a land flowing with milk and honey.

To order Parsha Points Books:

Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
and Parsha Points: More Torah from the Land of Israel

Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532, toratreva@gmail.com