Avraham and Sarah Weren’t the Only Ones Who Took a Long Walk

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Parshat Lecha Lecha begins with the famous words (Breisheet
12:1) “God said to Avram, ‘Lech Lecha- Go for yourself- from your land, from
your birthplace and from your father’s house and go to the land that I will
show you.’”


Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz (1550-1619) who was best
known for his work the Kli Yakar wrote the following idea in his series Olelot
Ephraim :


Lech Lecha, go for yourself. Whoever makes aliya- goes up to
the Land of Israel
goes up to his being and up to his roots. The Jewish soul can only fully be
restored to its original perfection in the Land of Israel,
the Land that the eyes of God are watching from the beginning of the year to
the end of the year.


Rabbi Nachman of Breslov taught that there are people who
say to themselves that they love the Land of Israel and that they
want to make aliya. However, they only want to come to Israel in the
most comfortable way possible, without pressure or grief.


According to Rabbi Nachman, those people don’t really want
to make aliya. If someone really wants to make aliya, they will do whatever it
takes, even walk if they have to and arrive exhausted from their travels. God
said to Avram “Lech Lecha”, from the word “lalechet”, “to go”, “to walk”. God
told Avram to walk by foot wandering from place to place.


Even in our time we have seen people who wanted to make
aliya so badly that they literally walked.


In 1973, the Israeli Ministry of Absorption and Rabbi Shlomo
Goren, the Ashkenasic chief rabbi checked out the Beta Israel Ethiopians who
were yearning to return to Israel
for thousands of years and decided that they were not Jewish and that there was
no reason to bring them to Israel.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef z”l, the Sephardic chief rabbi disagreed and said that they
were a descendent tribe of Israel.
He said that it is a mitzvah to give them a proper Jewish education and bring
them to Israel.
Thanks to the ruling of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the Law of Return was applied to
the Beta Israel community.


Beginning in 1977, after Menachem Begin became the Prime
Minister, thousands of Beta Israel
traveled by foot from Ethiopia
to the border of Sudan and
waited in temporary camps to be flown to Israel. This journey by foot took
between two weeks and a month. From 1977-1984, they were led to Israel by sea
and by plane. About 8000 people made this dangerous trip. Sadly, about 4000
died before reaching Israel.
During Operation Moses (November 1984 until January 1985), 30 flights brought
about 200 Beta Israel at a
time to Israel.
In 1991, Operation Solomon brought 14,400 Beta Israel to Israel within 34 hours.
On August 27, 2013 the last mass aliya flight with hundreds of immigrants from Ethiopia arrived in Israel.


What we learn from the Beta Israel community is that if
someone wants to be in Israel
badly enough, they will follow the path of Avraham and Sarah and find a way to
get here.


To order Parsha Points Books:

Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
and Parsha Points: More Torah from the Land of Israel

Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532, toratreva@gmail.com