B’nai Yisrael, a Nation of Baalei Tshuva

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In Parshat Ki Tisa we read about Chet HaEgel,
the sin of the golden calf.


How can it be that B’nei Yisrael are seeking other gods
forty days after Maamad Har Sinai where they heard the commandments “I
am the Lord” and “You shall have no other gods but Me?”


Nehama Leibowitz points out that such a thing was
conceivable. The assumption that people who have scaled the loftiest heights of
Divine communication are not capable of descending into the depths of depravity
is without foundation.


In Melachim Alef 18 we read the story of Eliyahu
HaNavi on Har Carmel. Nehama Leibowitz explains that this story is
parallel to the story of the Egel HaZahav. B’nai Yisrael saw fire
descend from heaven in answer to the prayer of Eliyahu HaNavi, yet the next
day, B’nei Yisrael persecuted the true prophets, broke down their alters
and reverted back to idolatry. Eliyahu HaNavi who was the hero of Har Carmel
was forced to escape to Har Sinai and hide in the desert.


According to Nehama Leibowitz, miracles however awe
inspiring cannot change human nature. They can only momentarily shake the human
soul out of its every day concepts, but they cannot in themselves effect a
lasting transformation.


Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim 3:32 explains: “It is not in
the nature of man reared in slavery, in bricks and straw and the like to wash
his hands of their dirt and suddenly fight the giants of Cnaan. God in His
wisdom contrived that they wander in the wilderness until they had become
schooled in courage since it is well known that physical hardships toughen and
the converse produces faintheartedness. A new generation was born which had not
been accustomed to slavery and degradation.”


Nehama Leibowitz adds that Maamad Har Sinai, their
first religious experience, was not enough to change them overnight from idol
worshippers to monotheists. Only a prolonged disciplining in the mitzvot of the
Torah directing every moment of their existence could accomplish that.


Today, we have what is called the Baal Tshuva Movement where
people who were previously not religious become observant. Sometimes a teenager
gets interested in becoming more observant by attending an NCSY (National
Council of Synagogue Youth) event or Shabbaton. Other times a student attends a
Birthright trip to Israel
and gets inspired. It is important for us to remember to keep in mind where
these students are coming from and that they shouldn’t be expected to take on
all of the mitzvot at once. I have seen students who were genuinely interested
fall off course when attending a Yeshiva program where they are expected to
take on too much at once. We must remember that B’nai Yisrael couldn’t handle
taking on too many mitzvot at once and we must patiently help those who are
newly religious to take on one mitzvah at a time.

To order Parsha Points Books:

Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
and Parsha Points: More Torah from the Land of Israel

Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532, toratreva@gmail.com