Bring Back Our Boys!

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In the Haftara for Parshat Korach we read about different
times in history when the Jewish people were in danger:


Shmuel I 12:8-11: “When Yaakov came to Egypt and your forefathers cried out to God
(Vayizaku), God sent Moshe and Aharon and they brought your forefathers out of Egypt and
settled them in this place. But they forgot HaShem their God, so he delivered
them into the hand of Sisera, general of the army of Hatzor and into the hand of
the Plishtim and into the hand of the king of Moav and they battled them. Then
they cried out to God (Vayizaku) and said ‘We have sinned! For we have forsaken
God and we have worshipped the Baalim and the Ashtarot, but now rescue us from
the hand of our enemies and we will worship you.’ So God sent Yerubaal and
Bedan and Yiftach and Shmuel and He rescued you from the hand of your enemies
from all around and you dwelt in security.”


According to Metzudat David, Vayizaku refers to crying out
to God in prayer.


When we are in a dangerous situation our first reaction is
to call out to God in prayer.


Last Thursday, three Israeli teenagers, Gil-Ad Shaer,
Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal Yifrach were kidnapped by terrorists.


The first response after the initial shock was to pray for
the boys. Special communal prayer services were set up all over Israel and throughout the world in order to pray for their safe return.


Special chapters of Tehilim (Psalms) are being recited.
Prayers for the captives are being included in our daily services.


The army is doing everything that they can to find the boys.


What more can be done?


Social media campaigns are raising awareness of the
kidnappings throughout the world.


Donations of food and treats for the soldiers are being collected
and distributed.


Classes on the topic of the mitzvah of releasing captives
are being taught.


Women are baking challot and praying for the boys while they
observe the mitzvah of Hafrashat Challah.


There are people learning Mishnayot and dividing up Pirkei
Avot to be studied.


Letters of support for the families and the soldiers are
pouring in.


Residents of Chevron are doing laundry for the soldiers who
are stationed near them.


Donated pizzas are being delivered to the army bases.


There are songs being written about bringing the boys home
safely and famous singers visiting the families including Tony Orlando.


The families of the boys as well as the soldiers feel
strengthened by the outpouring of support as they continue to pray for the safe
return of the boys.


Just as God heard our prayers and rescued us from the hands
of the Egyptians, Sisera, the Plishtim and Moav may He hear our prayers and
through the merit of all of the special mitzvoth that are being observed bring
the boys home safely to their families and may we dwell safely and securely in
the Land of Israel.

 Photo: Parsha Points- Korach- Bring Back Our Boys!
In the Haftara for Parshat Korach we read about different times in history when the Jewish people were in danger:
Shmuel I 12:8-11: “When Yaakov came to Egypt and your forefathers cried out to God (Vayizaku), God sent Moshe and Aharon and they brought your forefathers out of Egypt and settled them in this place. But they forgot HaShem their God, so he delivered them into the hand of Sisera, general of the army of Hatzor and into the hand of the Plishtim and into the hand of the king of Moav and they battled them. Then they cried out to God (Vayizaku) and said ‘We have sinned! For we have forsaken God and we have worshipped the Baalim and the Ashtarot, but now rescue us from the hand of our enemies and we will worship you.’ So God sent Yerubaal and Bedan and Yiftach and Shmuel and He rescued you from the hand of your enemies from all around and you dwelt in security.”
According to Metzudat David, Vayizaku refers to crying out to God in prayer.
When we are in a dangerous situation our first reaction is to call out to God in prayer.
Last Thursday, three Israeli teenagers, Gil-Ad Shaer, Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal Yifrach were kidnapped by terrorists.
The first response after the initial shock was to pray for the boys. Special communal prayer services were set up all over Israel and throughout the world in order to pray for their safe return. 
Special chapters of Tehilim (Psalms) are being recited. Prayers for the captives are being included in our daily services.
The army is doing everything that they can to find the boys.
What more can be done?
Social media campaigns are raising awareness of the kidnappings throughout the world.
Donations of food and treats for the soldiers are being collected and distributed.
Classes on the topic of the mitzvah of releasing captives are being taught.
Women are baking challot and praying for the boys while they observe the mitzvah of Hafrashat Challah.
There are people learning Mishnayot and dividing up Pirkei Avot to be studied.
Letters of support for the families and the soldiers are pouring in.
Residents of Chevron are doing laundry for the soldiers who are stationed near them.
Donated pizzas are being delivered to the army bases.
There are songs being written about bringing the boys home safely and famous singers visiting the families including Tony Orlando.
The families of the boys as well as the soldiers feel strengthened by the outpouring of support as they continue to pray for the safe return of the boys.
Just as God heard our prayers and rescued us from the hands of the Egyptians, Sisera, the Plishtim and Moav may He hear our prayers and through the merit of all of the special mitzvoth that are being observed bring the boys home safely to their families and may we dwell safely and securely in the Land of Israel.
Shabbat Shalom from Yerushalayim!
Sharona Margolin Halickman 

To order Parsha Points Books:

Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
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