Did Binyamin Have Two Necks?

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In Parshat Vayigash, Yosef surprises his brothers and reveals his true identity. In Breisheet 45:14 we read “Yosef fell upon his brother Binyamin.s necks and wept, and Binyamin wept upon his neck.”

Why is the word tzavar (neck) in the plural form (tzavarei)? How many necks did Binyamin have?

According to Rashi,Yosef wept for the two batei mikdash (temples) which were destined to be in Binyamin.s territory and in the end were destined to be destroyed. Binyamin wept for the mishkan (tabernacle) in Shilo which was destined to be in Yosef.s territory and in the end was destined to be destroyed.

The midrash in Shir HaShirim Raba 4:11 explains that the neck is compared to the Beit HaMikdash. Just as most jewels are worn around the neck, so too most of the jewels of Israel were in the Beit HaMikdash.

Why did Binyamin receive the honor of having the Beit HaMikdash built in his territory?

  1. Binyamin was the only son who did not bow down to Esav (In fact, he wasn.t even born when his brothers bowed down to Esav!)
  2. Sifri points out that all of the other tribes were born outside of the land of Israel and there is a special holiness to the fact that Binyamin was born in the land of Israel.

According to HaRav Nissenboim a child born in Israel has an added inner strength that those born outside of Israel may not possess.

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Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
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Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532, toratreva@gmail.com