Don’t Know What You Got Till It’s Gone!

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In Parshat Re’eh (Devarim 12:29) we read the following
words: “When God will have eliminated the nations whom you are coming there to
inherit, from before you; and you will inherit them and dwell in their Land.”


Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Elazar of Modzitch tells a story based
on this pasuk:


Rabbi Eliezer ben Shamua and Rabbi Yochanan HaSandlar were
going to Chutz LaAretz (leaving Israel)
in order to study Torah. When they got to Tyre,
they started thinking about the Land of Israel and they began
to cry. They ripped their clothing, read the words from our pasuk “and you will
inherit them and dwell in their Land” and they decided to turn around and go
back to Israel.
Their rationale was the teaching of the Sifri that settling the Land of Israel is equal to all of the mitzvoth
(commandments) in the Torah.


In Masechet Pesachim 50b Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav:
A person should always engage in the study of Torah and the performance of
Mitzvot even though it is not Lishma (for its own sake) because from learning
Torah and performing a mitzvah not for its own sake he will eventually come to
learn Torah or perform a mitzvah for its own sake.


Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yochanan realized that it would be
better to stay in the Land of Israel since by
performing the Mitzva of settling the Land they would eventually feel the
holiness of the Land and all of its good attributes.


Different people live in Israel
for different reasons and whether they realize it or not, they are all
performing the Mitzvah of settling the Land of Israel.


Some people are like Avraham, who left his homeland to make
aliya. Others are like Yitzchak who were born in Israel
and lived in Israel
their entire lives with no interest in leaving. The third group is like Yaakov
who was born in Israel
but because of the circumstances he had to leave, yet he always yearned to come


People that make aliya by choice usually appreciate that
they are here (unless they had no idea what they were getting themselves
into!). Others, who are born in Israel may take living here for granted and they may only appreciate the Land once
they go to Chutz LaAretz.


As the the lyrics in the song by Cinderalla say: “Don’t Know
What You Got Till It’s Gone” 

To order Parsha Points Books:

Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
and Parsha Points: More Torah from the Land of Israel

Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532,