For the Miracles in Those Days, At This Time

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There is a religious supermarket in Jerusalem that has been playing Purim music
in honor of the upcoming holiday. The music puts the shoppers in the Purim
spirit and may also cause the shoppers to buy more products in honor of Purim.

While shopping there a few days ago, they were playing the
song “Al HaNisim”, “For the miracles.” The cashier didn’t understand why they
were playing that song which is often associated with Chanuka. I explained to
her that we recite the “Al HaNisim” prayer during the Shmoneh Esrei (silent
devotion) and Birkat HaMazon (Grace after Meals) on Purim as well as on

The Al Hanisim prayer states:

For the miracles and for the salvation and for the mighty
deeds and for the victories and for the battles which You performed for our
forefathers in those days, at this time.

On Purim we add:

In the days of Mordechai and Esther in Shushan the capital
when Haman the wicked rose up against them and sought to destroy, to slay and
to exterminate all of the Jews, young and old, infants and women on the same
day, on the 13
th of the 12th month which is Adar and to
plunder their possessions. But You in Your abundant mercy nullified his counsel
and frustrated his intention and caused his design to return upon his own head
and they hanged him and his sons on the gallows.

If you check in a siddur you will find that the “Al HaNisim”
for Purim is much shorter than the “Al HaNisim” for Chanuka.

The reason according to Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch is
that the danger of Purim was straightforward. Haman wanted to exterminate the
entire Jewish nation so the prayer did not need to elaborate. The dangers during
the time of Chanuka involved assimilation and purity and therefore needed more

What does the phrase “in those days, at this time” mean?

The Levush, Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe explains that the verse
praises miracles that were performed in those days as well as the countless
hidden miracles that are constantly being performed at this time.

We have seen revealed miracles even in our own time on Purim.  The miracle that stands out the most is that the
Gulf war in 1991 ended on Purim.

On a daily basis there are hidden miracles which many people
never even hear about. Many terrorist attacks are miraculously thwarted due to
intelligence and the terrorists are often caught before they even reach their

Just this week, Nir Barkat, the mayor of Jerusalem
intervened during a terrorist attack in downtown
Jerusalem. The fact that the mayor was in the
right place at the right time and was able to insure that more people were not
stabbed was something that we should not take for granted.

As we recite the Al HaNisim this Purim, we must be grateful for
the fact that against all odds the Jewish people survived during the time of
the megilla and against all odds the Jewish people are thriving in the modern
State of Israel today.

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