In Parshat Vaera, we see that Pharaoh’s sorcerers through their incantations were able to duplicate the staff turning into a snake as well as the plagues of blood and frogs.
When it came to the third plague, the sorcerers were not able to produce the lice. At that point (Shmot 8:15) the sorcerers said to Pharaoh, “Etzba Elohim Hi- It is the finger of God!”
Even though the sorcerers were not able to conjure up the lice they were careful to only say that it is the “finger of God” as opposed to the “Hand of God.”
Ramban points out that they did not use the name “Hashem”, meaning God of Israel but rather “Elohim”, a generic term for God, making it sound more like a natural phenomenon and less like the God of the Jewish people performing miracles in order to save them.
The fact that the sorcerers were not able to remove the first two plagues and were not able to produce any of the other plagues points to the fact that God was in control.
You can look at the plagues and say that they were just coincidences, natural disasters that have been known to occur in
When looking around at the modern State of Israel as well, we see many things that could be looked at as standard yet when we take a closer look it is clear that there are miracles taking place here all of the time. The fact that many terrorists are stopped before carrying out an attack is just one example.
Let’s keep our eyes open in order to find the hidden miracles that take place each day.