If Korach were in the Knesset

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Nechama Leibowitz taught:

There is no greater annoyance than when one
party to a dispute refuses to sit down and talk things out with the other side.
In such a situation lies little hope for peaceful settlement.

This sounds exactly like what is happening
in the Knesset today.  The different
political parties are not getting along and within each party there are
disputes as well with no solution in sight.

This age old problem goes back to the “machloket”
between Korach and his congregation. Not only was Korach angry at Moshe and Aharon,
but even the members of his congregation of followers could not get along with
one another. Each member had his own interests which nobody was willing to
sacrifice for the sake of the greater good.

Korach was a great speaker and a great
influencer. If he would have only used his skills for the positive rather than
the negative, he, the 250+ men who were with him and the 14,700 who died in the
plague could have all had their lives spared.

The new Knesset which was elected has
potential to make things work. If everyone would take a step back, look at how
disastrous the story of Korach turned out and learn from previous generations
that we need to work together in order to make the State of Israel run properly
we would be on the road to move ahead.

Instead of wasting more money on new
elections which could again end up at a standstill, there is an opportunity for
everyone to get together, make some compromises and get this government going.

Israel has enough enemies. Now is the time
for us to become one united front.

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Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
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Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532, toratreva@gmail.com