In Parshat Vayishlach (Breisheet 32:7-8) we read:
The messengers returned to Yaakov saying, “We came to your brother, to Eisav, and he is coming to meet you; and there are 400 men with him.” Yaakov was very frightened and distressed. He divided the people that were with him, along with the sheep, cattle and camels into two camps.
We learn in Breisheet Raba 76:1:
Rabbi Pinchas commented in the name of Rabbi Reuven: God made a promise to two people, but they were afraid; the chosen of the patriarchs, and the chosen of the prophets.
The chosen of the patriarchs is Yaakov, as it is stated: “For the Lord has chosen Yaakov for Himself” (Tehillim 135:4). God said to him: “Behold, I am with you” (Breisheet 28:15), but ultimately he was afraid, as it is stated: “Yaakov was…frightened.”
The chosen of the prophets is Moshe, as it is stated; “Were it not for Moshe, His chosen” (Tehillim106:23). God said to him: “For I will be with you” (Shmot 3:12), but ultimately, he was afraid: “The Lord said to Moshe: Do not fear him” (Bamidbar 21:34). He says: ‘Do not fear’ only to one who is afraid.
Rabbi Berekhya and Rabbi Ḥelbo said in the name of Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachman in the name of Rabbi Natan: Israel would have been worthy of elimination in the days of Haman, had they not based their mindset on the mindset of their ancestor.
In the days of Haman, the Jews should not have been terrified, since they had already been given a Divine promise that the Jewish people would not be eliminated. However, since this mindset of fearing annihilation despite a Divine promise existed already with Yaakov, it was forgivable.
They said: ‘If our patriarch Yaakov, to whom God promised and said: “Behold, I am with you,” (Breisheet 28:15) was afraid, we, all the more so.’
That is what the prophet criticizes Israel: “You forgot the Lord your Maker, who spread the heavens and laid the foundation of the earth” (Yishayahu 51:13). He said to them: ‘You have forgotten what He said to you: “So said the Lord: If the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below probed, I too will spurn all the descendants of Israel because of everything that they did” (Yirmiyahu 31:36) – if you see the heavens fall and the earth collapse.
Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth probed, so I will never spurn you. Should you not have learned from the spread of the heavens and the earth?
You should have learned from the fact that the heaven and earth did not collapse, but rather, the heavens remained spread over the earth. Instead, “you feared continuously all day”’ (Isaiah 51:13).
Today as well, there is a lot to be afraid of. However, if we keep in mind that we have God on our side then we should not be worried.
It is inspirational to see how many volunteers have come from abroad to help rebuild the Kibbuzim in Otef Aza (the Gaza envelope). They are not afraid of rockets or terrorists, they are just here to help rebuild and help the farms that were so brutally destroyed.
May we all learn from these tireless volunteers that we have to have faith that ultimately God is in charge.