In Parshat Vayetzei, Breisheet Chapter 29, Yaakov traveled to Aram to flee from his brother Esav as well as to look for a wife. When Yaakov arrived in Aram he saw a well. The Torah goes into a long description of how Yaakov couldn’t understand why the shepherds were gathering around and waiting at the well as opposed to feeding their flocks. The Torah then recounts the conversation that ensued. The shepherds explained to Yaakov that they needed to wait for all of the shepherds to work together to lift the heavy rock off of the well.
In sentences 9-10 we read “While Yaakov was still speaking with the shepherds, Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherdess. When Yaakov saw Rachel, the daughter of Lavan, his mother’s brother with the sheep of Lavan, his mother’s brother, he stepped near and rolled the stone from the mouth of the well.”
According to Rashbam, Yaakov himself lifted off the rock. This shows Yaakov’s strength.
Ramban comments on Breisheet 29:2 that the Torah recounts the story in detail in order to let us know that “they who wait for God shall renew their strength” (Yishayahu 40:31). For here Yaakov is coming from the journey and he is tired yet he alone rolls away the stone, a task which required all of the shepherds. The many shepherds and all of the watchmen of the three flocks of sheep could not shift the rock.
Maharam adds that as soon as Yaakov saw Rachel, Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Presence) rested upon him.
When Yaakov saw Rachel, an inner strength emerged.
It is often the case that when one is faced with challenges, one is able to cope in ways that one may never have imagined.
In Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s address to the Knesset on July 17, 2006 he commented: “I had the privilege of witnessing these inner strengths in the years when I was Mayor of Jerusalem. For years, our capital was subject to the most murderous terror attacks. The resilience, patience and restraint of the residents of Jerusalem and the entire citizens of Israel are exemplary”.
“I recall a conversation with Rudy Giuliani, who was Mayor of New York during the terror attacks of September 2001. I called to offer encouragement to him and the residents of New York following the collapse of the Twin Towers, and he replied: “”Ehud, if the New Yorkers can withstand it like the Jerusalemites do, then we will defeat terrorism””.
Let’s hope and pray that this inner strength will help us get through the difficulties that we are facing in Israel and throughout the world.