This Thursday evening and Friday is Yom Yerushalayim, the newest holiday on the Jewish calendar celebrating the reunification of
Living in
In Yishayahu (Isaiah) 2:2-4, we read the following prophecy:
And it shall come to pass in the end of days
That the
Shall be set over all other mountains
And lifted high above the hills
And all the nations shall come streaming to it.
And many peoples shall come and say:
Come let us go up to the
To the house of the God of Yaakov
And He will teach us His ways
And we will walk in His paths.
For out of
and God’s word from
And He will judge between nations
and decide between peoples.
And they will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning hooks,
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation
Neither will they practice war any more.
The amount of tourists from many different nations that can be seen visiting the Kotel (Western Wall) on almost any day of the week is a clear sign that “the nations shall come streaming in”.
The thousands of students who come to
Now we just have to work on the most difficult task of all “Lo Yisa Goy el Goy Cherev, Lo Yilmedu Od Milchama”, “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither will they practice war anymore”.