Shavuot, the Sequel to Pesach

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In Parshat Emor the holiday of Shavuot is presented as an
extension of Pesach.


Sefer HaChinuch, Mitzva 306 explains how the two holidays
are linked:


The very lifeblood of Israel is the Torah. Heaven and
earth were only created because of the Torah… The principal reason for Israel’s
deliverance from Egypt was their acceptance of the Torah on Mount Sinai and
their observance if its laws…This was the main motive for their deliverance,
this is their purpose in life and this was more important than freedom from
serfdom…and it was for this purpose they were taken out of Egypt and were made
into a great nation that they were commanded to count the days and weeks from
the second day of Pesach until the day on which we were given the Torah. Thus
we show our delight in and yearning for the great day as a servant longingly
counts the days until his liberation. The counting is an expression of
eagerness to reach that day…


Nechama Leibowitz points out that Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi
(Shir HaShirim Raba 7:2) gave Shavuot the name Atzeret (concluduing festival of
Pesach) to mark it as the sequel and culmination of the Feast of Deliverance
from Egypt in the spirit of God’s promise made to Moshe at the burning bush
(Shmot 3:12) “When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve
them on the mountain.”


We see from here that the Exodus from Egypt was not
complete until we received the Torah. The holiday of Pesach is only fully
observed after we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot.


Unlike Pesach which is a difficult holiday to prepare for
and observe due to the food restrictions of not eating Chametz, Shavuot is
relatively easy. Although there is a custom to eat dairy on Shavuot there
really are no food restrictions and many eat meat as well since they believe
that a holiday is only fully celebrated by eating meat.


Why then is Pesach celebrated so much more than Shavuot with
many Jews outside of Israel
not even knowing about the existence of the holiday?


Shavuot doesn’t have a set ritual like the Pesach Seder. In Israel, many
Israelis, despite their affiliation or denomination attend all night learning
programs on the eve of Shavuot where the Torah is made accessible to the Jewish
community at large. Outside of Israel,
these all night learning programs are usually set up in synagogues and those
who are not affiliated may not know about them or may be hesitant to attend.
The time has come for Jewish community centers throughout the world to bring
the holiday of Shavuot to the entire Jewish community and to provide Torah
study classes that Jews of all backgrounds would feel comfortable attending
emphasizing the fact that the Exodus of Egypt was only complete once the Jewish
people received the Torah.


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Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
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