Avraham and Sarah, the first Jewish people were the first converts to Judaism.
An integral part in the conversion process is the Brit Milah (circumcision) for men and the changing of the name for both men and women. Both of these acts bring the convert into the covenant in the same way that a new baby is brought in.
As the first Jews, Avraham and Sarah merited the honor of having their names changed by God.
Avraham’s name was changed from Avram (father of one nation) to Avraham (father of many nations). The letter “hey” (from God’s name) was added to complete Avraham’s name.
Sarah’s name is changed from Sarai (my ruler) to Sarah (ruler of everyone). The letter “yud” is removed from her name and is replaced by the letter “hey”.
Converts today have the opportunity to choose their own Jewish names. In formal legal documents their “spiritual parents” are referred to as Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imenu.
Aside from their own conversions, Avraham and Sarah helped others to convert as well.
In Parshat Lech Lecha, Breisheet 12:5 we read: “Avram took his wife Sarai, Lot his brother’s son, all of their possessions that they had acquired and the souls that they made (asher asu) in Charan. They set out to go to the land of C’naan. They came to the land of C’naan.”
Rashi comments on the words “aher asu b’Charan”- the souls that they made in Charan: “The souls that Avraham and Sarah brought under the protective wings of the Shechinah (Divine Presence). According to Breisheet Raba 39:14, Avraham would convert the men and Sarah would convert the women. Scripture considers them as if they had “made” them.”
In my many experiences working with converts, the sincerity of those who completed the entire process never ceased to amaze me. These sincere converts are the Avraham’s and Sarah’s of our generation and should be looked up to and respected.