In the beginning of Parsha VaEra (Shmot 6:1-3), Elokim, God appears to
Moshe and says: “I am HaShem, the Lord. I revealed Myself to
Avraham, to Yitzchak and to Yaakov as E-l (Almighty) Shaddai, but by My Name
the Lord (HaShem) I did not make myself known to them.”
According to Rashi, God made promises to the forefathers, but they were
not yet fulfilled as the time for their fulfilment had not yet arrived.
Ramban quotes Ibn Ezra who brings the opinion of Shmuel HaNagid that the
word Shadai is from the root Shodded (robber or pirate) meaning that God is the
victor and prevailer over the hosts in heaven.
Ramban explains that Shadai was used in reference to the hidden miracles
that delivered our forefathers from death, kept them alive in the famine and
redeemed them in the wars. The blessings and the curses are all miracles as it
is not in nature that the rains should come in their due season when we worship
God, nor are the skies to be like iron if we plant our fields in the seventh
(Shmita) year and similarly all promises in the Torah. They are miracles where
natural law is overpowered, except that no change in the natural world is
noticeable (as opposed to the miracles done through Moshe which openly changed
nature and were used with God’s name HaShem, the Tetragrammaton).
We see the covenant with our forefathers in verse 4:
“I established My covenant with them, to give them the land of C’naan,
the land of their sojourning where they lived as strangers.”
The first promise was made to Avraham in Breisheet Chapter 17:1-2:
When Avram was ninety-nine years old, HaShem, the Lord appeared to Avram
and said to him “I am E-l Shaddai walk with Me and be tamim (perfect). And I
will make My brit (covenant) between Me and you, all will multiply you
In sentences Breisheet 17:4-7, Elokim, God, promises Avram that the
covenant will be that he will become the father of many nations. His name will
be changed to Avraham. The covenant will be with Avraham and his descendants
The covenant is described in Breisheet 17:8:
I will give to you, and to your descendents after you, the land of your
temporary residence, all the land of C’naan as an eternal possession, and I
will be their Elokim, God.
God then commands Avraham (and his future descendents) to perform the
mitzvah of Brit Milah (circumcision).
The Lord, HaShem then reaffirms his promise to Avraham when he speaks to
Yitzchak in Breisheet 26:2-3:
“The Lord, HaShem appeared to him (Yitzchak) and said: ‘Do not go down
to Egypt. Settle in the land that I will make known to you. Stay temporarily in
this land and I will be with you and bless you, for to you and your descendants
I will give all these lands. I will thus keep the oath that I swore to Avraham,
your father…’”
Before Yitzchak sends Yaakov away to Padan Aram to look for a wife, he
blesses Yaakov using the name E-l Shaddai (Breishhet 28:3-4) “And E-l Shaddai
will bless you and make you fruitful and multiply you that you may be a
multitude of people; and give you the blessing of Avraham, to you, to your seed
with you, that you may inherit the land in which you are a sojourner, and which
God gave to Avraham.”
God’s official promise to Yaakov (Breisheet 35:11-12) comes after he returns
to the land of C’naan with his family and after God changes his name to Yisrael:
God, Elokim said to him: “I am E-l Shaddai. Be fruitful and increase, a
nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from
your loins. The land that I gave to Avraham and Yitzchak, I will give to you;
and to your offspring after you I will give the land.”
Through hidden miracles, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov lived in the land,
yet it was not yet theirs. The promise was that their future descendents would
inherit the land after the Egyptian slavery and that is why Avraham bought
Mearat HaMachpela in Hevron, Yitzchak had trouble from his neighbors when he
tried to dig wells and Yaakov bought a plot of land in Shchem.
God recounts all of this history to show Moshe that he is the next link
in the chain and the goal is to get B’nei Yisrael back to the land of C’naan (Israel),
the land that was promised to them. This time, B’nei Yisrael will officially
inherit the land, fulfilling the promises that God made to our forefathers.
The State of Israel today is nothing short of a miracle. On a daily
basis, we are threatened from all sides yet we prevail. We see God’s power as
E-l Shaddai, His Hashgacha, Divine protection constantly watching over us.
The Shin on the mezuzah on our doorposts reminds us that the Almighty,
Shaddai watches over our homes as Shaddai represents the acronym of Shomer D’latot
Yisrael, Guardian of Israel’s doors. May He continue to watch over and protect
our private homes as well as the State of Israel.