The mothers named all of the tribes

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After each tribe was born, Yaakov did
not get involved in naming the children. His wives were given the space to choose
each child’s name and speak from the heart as they explained its significance:

Leah’s first four sons:

Reuven: “God has seen my affliction;
for now my husband will love me.”

Shimon: “Since God heard that I am
the hated one, He also gave me this one.”

Levi: “This time my husband will be
attached to me, for I have born him three sons.”

Yehuda: “This time I will praise God.”

Bilha’s sons were named by Rachel as
they were considered to be her surrogate children:

Dan: “God has judged me. He has also
heard my voice, and has given me a son.”

Naftali: “With God’s bonds, I have
been joined to my sister. And I have also prevailed.”

Zilpa’s sons were named by Leah as
they were considered to be her surrogate children:

Gad: “Unexpected success has come.”

Asher: “It is in my good fortune
that women will consider me fortunate.”

Leah’s other sons:

Yissachar: “God has given me my
reward because I gave my handmaid to my husband.”

Zevulun: “God has given a goodly
portion. Now my husband will make his main home with me for I have borne him
six sons.”

Rachel’s sons:

Yosef: “God has removed my shame.
May God add to me another son.”

As Rachel’s soul was departing, she
named her son BenOni (son of my sorrow).

With Leah, we see that the names of
her children are connected with the fact that she is appreciative of God as
well as hopeful that she will become closer to Yaakov.

Rachel is optimistic when naming the
first three and honest when naming her last child at the point where she no
longer had any hope.

Radak explains that Rachel was in a
lot of pain when she named the baby BenOni as she had a difficult childbirth
and her soul was leaving her body so the name could have negative connotations.
Yaakov chose to change the name slightly to the more positive Binyamin,“son of
my right” and “beloved to me” as he was happy to have this baby who was born
during his old age, despite the circumstances.

Ramban’s opinion differs from the
other commentators. He believes that Yaakov didn’t actually change the baby’s
name. When Rachel used the word “Oni” she was referring to mourning. Yaakov on
the other hand translated “Oni” as strength (the same way that he later used
the word “Oni” in his blessing to Reuven). Yaakov called him Binyamin “the son
of power or strength” for in the right hand (yamin) there is strength and success.
Yaakov wanted to keep the name that Rachel had called him, for all his children
were called by the names that their mothers had called them. Therefore he called
him Binyamin, a positive spin on the name BenOni.

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