The value of being buried in Israel

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God reassured Yaakov that He will go
down to Egypt with him and that He will bring him back.

At that point Yaakov and his family
packed up (Breisheet 46:5-6):

Yaakov rose up from Be’er Sheva.
B’nai Yisrael transported their father Yaakov, their children and their wives
in the wagons that Pharaoh had sent to carry him. They took their livestock and
their possessions that they had acquired in the Land of C’naan, and they came
to Egypt; Yaakov and all his descendants with him…

Rashi, quoting Tanchuma Yashan
Vayishlach 11, comments that whatever Yaakov acquired in Padan Aram he gave to
Eisav for his share in Ma’arat HaMachpela (Cave of the Patriarchs and
Matriarchs). He said “Possessions acquired outside of Eretz Yisrael hold no
value for me.” This is what Yaakov meant by (Breisheet 50:5) “The grave that I
acquired for myself.” Yaakov put piles of gold and silver for Esav similar to a
heap and said to him “take these for your share of the cave.”

The Talmud 13a brings a midrash:

When it was time to bury Yaakov,
Esav said “Yaakov buried Leah in the space that was rightfully his, therefore
the one space remaining is mine and you may not bury Yaakov there.”

They replied to Esav, “You sold it!
You relinquished your right to be buried here when you sold your right of the
firstborn to Yaakov, our father, for a pot of lentils.”

Esav answered, “Granted I sold the
extra portion that I would have received as a firstborn. But when did I ever
sell the standard portion I am to receive as a son? Therefore our portions
should be equal and we should each receive one burial space.”

They said to him, “Yes, you did sell
your standard portion in Maarat HaMachpela. Yaakov told us on his deathbed.”

It says in Breisheet 50:5:

My father made me swear an oath
saying, “Behold I am dying. In my grave that I have acquired (kariti) for
myself in the Land of Cnaan, there you shall bury me.”

Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of
Rabbi Shimon ben Yehotzadak: The word “kira” means selling (mechira) or

We see from here that the money and
possessions that Yaakov acquired outside of Israel had little meaning for him.
It was more important for Yaakov to be buried in the Land of Israel next to his
wife Leah in the same cave as his parents and grandparents.

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