Yom Yerushalayim, a Wedding Ceremony

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This Saturday night and Sunday we will celebrate Yom
Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day. Religious Zionists celebrate Yom Yerushalayim with
festive prayers including Hallel (Prayers of Thanksgiving) and the reading of
the Haftara.


The Haftara  for Yom
Yerushalayim is from Yishayahu 61:10-63:9. It is the same Haftara that is read
on Parshat Nitzavim, the seventh Haftara of consolation.


The prophecy describes how mourning will turn into joy when
the Jewish people return to the Land of Israel to rebuild and
plant. The covenant between God and the Jewish people will be everlasting and
is compared to the commitment of a bride and groom.


The opening sentence of the Haftara sounds very familiar:
“Sos asis b’Hashem tagel nafshi b’Elokai”, “I will rejoice intensely with
HaShem, my soul shall exult with my God.”


Many of these same words are used in the fifth of the seven
blessings, read under the chuppa at a Jewish wedding: “Sos tasis v’tagel
HaAkara, bikubutz baneha litocha bisimcha”, “Bring intense joy and exultation
to the barren one through the ingathering of her children amidst her in


When we say these words we pray that the joy and gladness of
both Jerusalem and the new couple will be intense and never ending.


According to Tanchuma, Jerusalem
will be comforted when her children are gathered to her in happiness.


is like the bride and God is like the groom. Just as a groom will do anything
for his bride, God will redeem and protect Zion.


In 62:4 we learn that Jerusalem will no longer be called
“azuva”, “abandoned”, the Land of Israel will no longer be called “shmama”,
“desolate” rather Jerusalem will be called “cheftzi bah”, “my desire is her”
and the Land of Israel will be called “beulah”, “married.”


The second half of 62:5 is familiar from a song played at
Jewish weddings: “Umesos Chatan al Kallah yasis alayich Elokayich”, “As the
groom rejoices over the bride, so shall God rejoice over you.”


In 62:6, God assigns guardians to protect the walls of Jerusalem to keep the
city safe (“Al chomotayich Yerushalayim hifkadeti shomrim kol hayom vikol
halayla”). This prophecy is fulfilled in the days of Nechemia when the Jews
return from exile and rebuild Jerusalem after the destruction of the first Beit HaMikdash.

When the Jews return they will grow their own grapes for
wine and grain for bread (62:8).


It is clear why this Haftara was chosen to be read on Yom
Yerushalayim, the day that marks the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967. The Jewish people have
returned to the Land of Israel, the city is
being built up, grapes and grains are once again growing in the land.


Amidst all of the joy of the wedding, we break a glass to
remember the destruction of Jerusalem.


On Yom Yerushalayim, one of the happiest days on the Jewish
calendar, as we celebrate one of the greatest miracles in our time, we must
remember that the prophecy will only be fully fulfilled when all of the Jews
return to the Land of Israel and rebuild the
Beit HaMikdash.


In 1967 our soldiers said: “Har HaBayit Beyadenu”, “The
Temple Mount is in our hands.” Today, unfortunately, Jews who visit the Temple Mount are harassed if they try to pray there.


That is our broken glass.


May the prophecies of Yishayahu be fulfilled speedily in our

To order Parsha Points Books:

Parsha Points:Torah from the Land of Israel
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Please contact Sharona at 058-656-3532, toratreva@gmail.com