
Aliya for Sincere Converts

Aliya for Sincere Converts

In Parshat Kedoshim (Vayikra 19:33-34) we read: “When a convert dwells among you in your Land, do not taunt him. The convert who dwells with you shall be like a native among you and you shall love him like yourself for you were aliens in the land of Egypt- I...

Bite Your Tongue?

Bite Your Tongue?

There are many important laws which are taught in Parshat Kedoshim including honoring your parents, observing Shabbat, paying workers wages on time and not cursing a deaf person. However, the mitzvah that most stands out in my mind is (Vayikra 19:16): “Do not...

The Forbidden Fruits

The Forbidden Fruits

In some ways it is easier to keep kosher in Israel. In other ways it is much easier to keep kosher outside of Israel.With kosher restaurants in abundance in cities like Jerusalem, you almost don’t have to think twice about the laws of Kashrut. However, when...

Respecting the Elderly

Respecting the Elderly

In Parshat Kedoshim, we are presented with many mitzvot. One mitzvah that especially stands out is Vayikra 19:32: "In the presence of the elderly (seiva) you shall rise and you shall respect the elder (zaken); you shall have fear of your God, I am your God".In this...

Respecting The Challenged

Respecting The Challenged

Respecting the Challenged: Dignity and Godliness in every JewIn Parshat Kedoshim, Vayikra 19:14, we find the words “You shall not curse the deaf and you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind; you shall fear your God- I am HaShem”. We learn...