
Why did Sarah laugh?

Why did Sarah laugh?

Dedicated by Stan and Marc Futterman on the first yahrzeit of Stephanie FuttermanIn Parshat Lech Lecha, God changed Avram’s name to Avraham, promised him and his descendents the Land of Israel and commanded him to perform the mitzvah of Brit Milah (the...

Walking in the Path of God

Walking in the Path of God

In memory of our friend and neighbor Mr. Richard Lakin who was murdered while riding the 78 bus in JerusalemIn Breisheet 18:18-19 we read: “Avraham is indeed to become a great and mighty nation and through him shall be blessed all of the nations of the world....

Say Little and Do Much

Say Little and Do Much

Sponsored in Honor of Dov Ber’s Bar Mitzvah by Sharona, Josh, Moshe and Yehuda Halickman In Parshat Vayera, Avraham, who is recovering from a Brit Milah (circumcision at the age of 99) is happy to welcome three unexpected guests to entertain. When...

Why Go To Grar?

Why Go To Grar?

In Breisheet 20:1 we read: "Avraham journeyed toward the Negev and dwelt (vayeshev) between Kadesh and Shur and he sojourned (vayagar) in Grar."Grar was the land of the Plishtim (Philistines), in the vicinity of where the Gaza strip is today.Why did Avraham travel...