
Parshat Sinwar?

Parshat Sinwar?

Would we name a parsha after Sinwar, who wants to see the annihilation of the Jewish people?Why do we have a parsha named after Balak, one of our greatest enemies, who was already looking for our destruction even before we entered the Land of Israel?Balak (the...

Balak’s Reward

Balak’s Reward

In Parshat Balak (Bamidbar, Chapters 22-23), Balak hired Bilam to curse B’nai Yisrael so that it would be easier for him to destroy them. In Chapter 23 (verses 1-2, 14, 29-30), on three different occasions, Bilam directed Balak to set up seven altars where...

The message of the donkey

The message of the donkey

In Parshat Balak, Bilam is commanded by Balak, the king of Moav to curse B’nai Yisrael. Although the Torah does not waste words, Bilam’s means of transportation which he is hoping will quickly get to his destination is described at length in Bamdbar...

Choosing Good over Evil

Choosing Good over Evil

In Honor of Sharona and Josh Halickman’s 19th  AnniversaryIn Parshat Balak we read about Bilam, a prophet who on the one hand wants to follow God’s instructions not to curse the Jewish people yet on the other hand wants to follow King Balak’s...

Seeing the Whole Story

Seeing the Whole Story

Parshat Balak begins with the words “And Balak ben Tzippor saw all that Yisrael had done to the Emori. And Moav became terrified of the people of Israel because of their great numbers” (Bamidbar 22:2-3).The Gur Aryeh says that Balak did not witness the...

We Shall Prevail

We Shall Prevail

DEDICATED IN MEMORY OF LOUIS LEVINE, BARUCH ARYEH BEN AVRAHAM HALEVI Z""LPirkei Avot 5:6 lists ten miracles that were created on the friday of creation, right before twilight: The mouth of the earth that swallowed KorachThe mouth of the well that supplied the...

The Lion King

The Lion King

10:04:20 In Parshat Balak, the wicked Balaam, who intended to curse the Jewish people ended up being forced by God to pronounce blessings upon them. In Balaam’s second blessing (Bamidbar 23:24), he uses the following parable: “Hen am k’lavie yakum...