
Preparing for War

Preparing for War

At the beginning of Parshat Bamidbar, over 50 verses describe the counting of the men above age 20, all who are eligible for the army, from each tribe, aside from the tribe of Levi who worked in the Mishkan and were exempted from army service.Why did they need to...

Take a Head Count

Take a Head Count

  In Bamidbar 2:2 we read: “Take a head count of the entire congregation of B’nai Yisrael according to their families to the house of their fathers counting the names of all males individually.”   The English name for Sefer Bamidbar is...

The Power of Shabbat

The Power of Shabbat

Parshat Bamidbar (literally in the desert) is read on the Shabbat before Shavuot for a number of reasons: According to Rabbi D. Shoham if a person wants to merit in receiving the Torah, they should make themselves into a desert, meaning that they should act...