
Two types of Shabbat

Two types of Shabbat

We first learn about the laws of Shmita (the Sabbatical year) in Parshat Mishpatim, Shmot 23:10-11:Six years shall you sow your land and gather in its produce. And in the seventh, you shall leave it untended and unharvested, and the destitute of your people shall...

Lucky Sevens

Lucky Sevens

We see the importance of the number seven in Parshat Behar, Vayikra 25:8-10: You shall count for yourself seven shmita (sabbatical) years, seven years, seven times and it shall be for you, the days (period) of the seven sabbatical years, forty-nine years. You shall...

When Eating is a Mitzvah!

When Eating is a Mitzvah!

In Parshat Behar, we learn about the Shmita (Sabbatical) year. We are told that when the Jewish people arrive in the Land of Israel they are to work the land for six years and to let the land lay fallow in the seventh. In Vayikra 25:6 it says “The...

Give Me a Break!

Give Me a Break!

Sponsred by Israel Sports Radio ( : Listen to what Tommy Lasorda, Hall of Fame Baseball Manager of the LA Dodgers has to say about Israel!  Parshat Behar (Vayikra 25:2) begins with an in depth explanation of...

Preventing Poverty

Preventing Poverty

Parshat Behar stresses the importance of preventing poverty.“If your brother becomes impoverished and his means falter in your proximity, you shall strengthen him- convert or resident, so that he may live with you. Do not give him your money for interest and...