
Some things never change

Some things never change

War, violent teenagers, divorce, negligence, rape, mistreatment of the weaker populations, crooked courts…These sound like the headlines of newspapers across the world today.These relevant topics and many more are found in Parshat Ki Tetze. The parsha...

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

In Parshat Chukat (Bamidbar 20:22-29), we read about the death of Moshe’s brother, Aharon. God informs Moshe that Aharon is about to die. Moshe is instructed to take Aharon and his son Elazar to the top of Hor HaHar. At that point, Moshe takes off...

We can not tolerate abuse!

We can not tolerate abuse!

In the Haftara for Parshat Chukat we read the story of Yiftach (Jephte), Shoftim Chapter 11.  In sentences 30-31 Yiftach makes a vow: Yiftach declared a vow to God and said, “If you will indeed deliver the Children of Amon into my hand then it shall be...

Israel is Strong!

Israel is Strong!

In Parshat Chukat, Bamidbar, 21:1-3 we read: “And the Cnaanite King of Arad who lived in the Negev (South) heard that B’nai Yisrael had come by the route of Atarim, he fought against Yisrael and took some of them as prisoners. Yisrael made a vow to God...

Jephte’s Daughter

Jephte’s Daughter

In the Haftara for Parshat Chukat, we read the story of Jephte (Shoftim 11:1-33), a Judge who made a neder, a vow to God saying (Shoftim 11:30): “If you will indeed deliver B’nai Yisrael into my hand, then it shall be that whatever emerges- what will...

From Moshe to Moshe

From Moshe to Moshe

In Parshat Chukat we see Moshe’s tireless efforts to make peace with the nations surrounding the Land of Israel. First Moshe sent messengers to ask the king of Edom if B’nai Yisrael could peacefully pass through their land. Edom’s response was...