
Appreciating Israel

Appreciating Israel

The Talmud, Brachot 21a asks “From where in the Torah do we derive the obligation to recite Birkat HaMazon, the Grace After Meals?” The answer is in Parshat Ekev, Dvarim 8:10: You shall eat and be satisfied and bless your God for the good Land that...

The Animals Eat First

The Animals Eat First

In Parshat Ekev, Dvarim 11:13-15, we read verses that are well known as they are recited twice a day in the second paragraph of the Shma:And it will come to pass that if you continually heed My commandments that I command you today, to love HaShem, your God, and to...

Eradicating Illness

Eradicating Illness

In Parshat Ekev (Dvarim 7:15) we are told: This shall be the reward when you listen to these laws, and you observe and perform them; HaShem your God will safeguard for you the covenant and the kindness that he swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless...

Keeping the Dream Alive!

Keeping the Dream Alive!

Celebrating 8 years since my Aliya to IsraelIn Parshat Ekev (Devarim 9:23) we read about the importance of inheriting the Land of Israel: “And when God sent you from Kadesh Barnea, saying, “Go up and inherit the Land that I have given you.” But...

Eliminating Poverty

Eliminating Poverty

In Parshat Ekev we read about the beauty of the Land of Israel (Devarim 8:7) “For Hashem your God brings you into a good Land, a Land of streams of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills. A Land of wheat and barley and vines and...

Israel’s Unique Qualities

Israel’s Unique Qualities

When B'nai Yisrael were about to enter the land of Israel, Moshe explained to them that the Land of Israel would be different from Egypt (Devarim, Parshat Ekev 11:10-11) "The land which you are arriving to inherit is not like the land of Egypt, from which you...

Torah Study for Women

Torah Study for Women

Torah Study for WomenIn Parshat Ekev we find the commandment for a man to teach Torah to his sons. The words are recited twice a day as part of the Shma prayer (Devarim 11:19): “velimadetem otam et bneichem”,“and you are to teach them to your...