Ki Tetze

Ki Tetze
Wiping out Amalek

Wiping out Amalek

In Parshat Ki Tetze, Dvarim 24:17-19, we are commanded to wipe out Amalek: Remember what Amalek perpetrated against you on the way when you left Egypt. When he chanced upon you en route, when you were tired and exhausted, striking down all of the stragglers in your...

Ki Tetze
Don’t tip the scales!

Don’t tip the scales!

Sponsored by Sharona and Josh Halickman commemorating the 27th Yahrzeit of Reva Margolin z”l In Parshat Ki Tetzei we learn about mitzvot that assure a fair and honest society as God abhors dishonesty.In Dvarim 25:13-16 we read:You are not to have for...

Ki Tetze
Are Uggs Kosher?

Are Uggs Kosher?

In Memory of Netanel Vayzer on his First Yahrzeit. May his neshama have an aliyaLast year, there was a controversy over whether Uggs brand boots and shoes were “kosher”. Why would there be an issue with clothing and footwear needing to be...

Ki Tetze
Compassion for Animals

Compassion for Animals

In Parshat Ki Tetze we learn about compassion for animals from the following psukim (Devarim 22:6, 7): “If you should chance upon a bird’s nest before you on the road in any tree, or on the ground with fledglings or eggs and the mother is sitting on the...

Ki Tetze
Kosher Clothing?

Kosher Clothing?

In Parshat Ki Tetze (Devarim 22:11) we read: “Do not don Shatnez (a mixture of threads), wool and linen together.” According to Rashi, the word Shatnez is a mixture. We learn in Nidah 61b that the word Sha-t-nez can be divided into three words,...

Ki Tetze
Watch Your Language!

Watch Your Language!

In Othello 3:3 William Shakespeare writes: Who steals my purse, steals trash; ‘tis something, nothing; ‘Twas mine, ‘tis his and has been slave to Thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes...

Ki Tetze
Fulfilling Pledges

Fulfilling Pledges

In Parshat Ki Tetze, Devarim 23:22 we read the following: “When you make a vow (neder) to God, you shall not be late in paying it, for God will demand it of you and there will be a sin in you. If you refrain from vowing, there will be no sin in you. You shall...

Ki Tetze
Aliya or Divorce?

Aliya or Divorce?

Chapter 24 in Parshat Ki Tetze opens with the laws of divorce: “If a man marries a woman and lives with her, and it will be that she will not find favor in his eyes, for he found in her a matter of immorality, and he wrote her a bill of divorce and presented...

Ki Tetze
Don’t Rely on Miracles

Don’t Rely on Miracles

Dedicated in memory of Yoni Siegal z""lParshat Ki Tetze, Devarim 23:10 states: "Ki tetze machaneh al oyvecha v'neeshmarta mikol davar ra". "When you go out to encamp against your enemies take precautions from every evil thing." Sentence 15 continues "For HaShem...

Ki Tetze
Getting Paid on Time

Getting Paid on Time

Sponsored by Isaac and Amy Halickman in memory of Phyllis Dalfen SilverParshat Ki Tetze emphasizes the mitzvot of treating others with respect and looking out for those who may be less fortunate. In Devarim Chapter 20 sentence 14 we read: "You shall not cheat a...