
Yosef’s Hints

Yosef’s Hints

In Parshat Miketz, Yosef’s brothers still do not know that Pharaoh’s second in command is in fact their brother, who seats them in age order (Breisheet 43:33):They were seated before him, the firstborn according to his seniority and the youngest...

Dress for Success

Dress for Success

Parshat Miketz begins with Pharoah waking up agitated after having two dreams which he doesn’t understand and which his necromancers are also unable to interpret. Pharaoh’s chief butler recommends Yosef to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams as Yosef had...

The Third Day

The Third Day

In Parshat Miketz, Breisheet 42, Yosef’s brothers (aside from Binyamin) are sent down by their father, Yaakov, to Egypt to bring back food as there is a famine in the Land of C’naan. When they arrive in Egypt, Yosef recognizes them right away, but they...

Clothes make the person

Clothes make the person

After Pharaoh chose Yosef to be second in command we read (Breisheet 41:42) “Pharaoh then took off his ring from his hand and he placed it on Yosef’s hand. He dressed him in linen (shesh) garments and put a gold chain (revid) around his...

Be Proud of Your Heritage

Be Proud of Your Heritage

In Parshat Miketz, when nobody else is able to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams,  the chief butler, who has already been out of jail for two years, finally remembers to mention Yoseph to Pharaoh.   In Breisheet 41:12 the chief butler tells Pharaoh:...

Watch What You Say!

Watch What You Say!

Parsha Points- Miketz 5770   Watch What You Say!   In Parshat Miketz 42:21-22 when Yosef was still concealing his identity and accusing his brothers of being spies we read: “Then they (Yosef’s brothers) said to one another, “Indeed we...

Unique Gifts from Israel

Unique Gifts from Israel

In Parshat Miketz, Yaakov is upset when his sons tell him that they must send Binyamin down to Egypt as well. In Breisheet 43:11, Yaakov tells his sons "If so (if you must return to Egypt with Binyamin), this is what you must do: Take .mezimrat haaaretz. of the...