
Foreshadowed Events

Foreshadowed Events

In Parshat Chayei Sara, Breisheet Chapter 24 we read the story of Avraham sending his servant (Midrashically known as Eliezer) to find a wife for Yitzchak. Rabbeinu Bachya comments (Breisheet 24:22):All the details of what was happening with Rivka at this time...

Do Not Take a Bribe

Do Not Take a Bribe

We learn about not taking a bribe twice in the Torah:In Parshat Mishpatim, Shmot 23:8 we are told:Do not accept a bribe, for the bribe will blind those who see and corrupt words that are just.In Parshat Shoftim, Dvarim 16:19, we are commanded using almost the same...

Who was Chur?

Who was Chur?

In Parshat Mishpatim (Shmot 24:12-14) God asks Moshe to come up to Mount Sinai:God then said to Moshe, “Come up to Me to the mountain and remain there. I will give you the tablets of stone, the Torah and the commandment, which I have written in order to teach...



This week we read the Parsha of Shkalim, the first of the four special Haftarot that are read between Rosh Chodesh Adar and Pesach.  The Haftorah of Shkalim, found in Melachim Bet, Kings II, discusses the reign of the youngest King of Yehuda, Yoash who was...

The Protective Angel

The Protective Angel

In Parshat Mishpatim, Shmot 23:20 we read: "Behold, I send an angel before you, to protect you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared (Beit HaMikdash, Temple)."Ramban, basing himself on a midrash in Shmot Raba 32:9 comments: God said to...

We Were All Strangers

We Were All Strangers

In Parshat Mishpatim, Shmot 22:20, we find the following words which are actually reiterated over thirty-six times throughout the Torah: "You must not abuse or oppress a Ger (stranger) for you were Gerim (strangers) in the land of Egypt".Rashi explains that we may...