
The true meaning of peace

The true meaning of peace

In Parshat Naso (Bamidbar 6:23-26) we are given the formula for Birkat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing:This is how you shall bless B’nai Yisrael, saying to them: May God bless you and protect you. May God cause His countenance to shine upon you and favor you....

Our long history with Gaza

Our long history with Gaza

In the Haftara for Parshat Naso (Shoftim 13:2-25), we read the opening of the story of Shimshon. Interestingly, the introductory passage (verse 1) which explains why we are in need of a good leader is left out: “B’nai Yisrael continued to do what was...

Who was Shimshon’s mother?

Who was Shimshon’s mother?

In the Haftara for Parshat Naso, we read the beginning of the story of Shimshon (Shoftim 13:2-25).The story begins with the words: “There was a certain man of Tzorah, of the family of the Danite, and his name was Manoach; his wife was barren and had not given...

In Search of Shimshon

In Search of Shimshon

Sponsored by Send A Sefer ( where you can send Jewish Books (Hebrew, English or French), Talitot, Tzizit, P'til Techelet, Mezuzas, Megilot & Tefillin  to someone special in Israel! For a Bar- Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, Birthdays,...

A Prayer for Peace

A Prayer for Peace

The Birkat Kohanim (Priestly blessing) is publicly recited outside of the land of Israel on the major holidays while in the land of Israel it is publicly recited every day as well. The blessing is found in Parshat Naso (Bamidbar 6:24-26) and is made up of three...