
Wait for the right match

Wait for the right match

Parshat Pinchas presents the daughters of Tzelophchad who requested to inherit their father’s portions of land since he died without having any sons.In Parshat Masei, Bamidbar 36:6 we read the epilogue of the story: The daughters of Tzelophchad were permitted...

Pinchas is Eliyahu?

Pinchas is Eliyahu?

Sponsored by Send A Sefer ( where you can send Jewish Books (Hebrew, English or French), Talitot, Tzizit, P'til Techelet, Mezuzas, Megilot & Tefillin  to someone special in Israel! For a Bar- Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, Birthdays,...

What Makes a Real Leader?

What Makes a Real Leader?

In Parshat Pinchas, God tells Moshe that he will not be entering the land of Israel. Moshe outlines the criterion that are needed for the next leader in Bamidbar 27:16-17: “Let God, the God of spirits appoint a man over the community (ish al haedah) who will...