
Was Vashti Pretty

Was Vashti Pretty

If Vashti was pretty then why didn’t she want to appear before King Achashverosh? The Talmud in Masechet Megilla 15a states:The Rabbis taught: There have been four women of surpassing beauty in the world- Sarah, Rachav, Avigail and Ester. According to...

What Was Her Real Name?

What Was Her Real Name?

In Chapter 2 sentence 7 of Megillat Ester, we read that Mordechai “brought up Hadassa, that is Ester”.  The Gemara in Megillah 13a notes: The verse calls her Hadassa and the verse calls her Ester. Which was actually her name? It was taught in...

Three Days of Purim?

Three Days of Purim?

This week in Jerusalem we will be celebrating three days of Purim (Mishulash) from Thursday evening to Sunday evening while most other cities in the world will only be celebrating Thursday evening and Friday.How did we earn all of these extra days of...