
Why leave Israel?

Why leave Israel?

Megillat Ruth (1:1-5) opens with Boaz and his family making “Yerida”, leaving Israel:In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land; and a man of Bethlehem Yehuda, with his wife and two sons, went to reside in the country of Moav. The...

Of bikes and angels

Of bikes and angels

The past three Fridays in Jerusalem consisted of bicycle races. The first Friday was the GFNY race with roads closed early in the morning so that the cyclists could have the streets of Jerusalem to themselves. The second Friday, the world renowned Giro...

Got Milk?

Got Milk?

On Shavuot it is customary to eat dairy products. Why?The Mishna Brura 494:12 explains that at the time of Matan Torah, God’s revelation at Sinai (the first Shavuot) B’nai Yisrael accepted upon themselves all of the mitzvoth (commandments). Since there...