
The Spies of our Generation

The Spies of our Generation

According to their website, Jewish Voice for Peace is the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world. They explain: “We organize our people and we resist Zionism because we love Jews, Jewishness and Judaism. Our struggle against Zionism...

The Ten Tests

The Ten Tests

In Parshat Shlach, Bamidbar 14:22-23, God declares:Surely, all those men who have seen My glory, My miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and yet have tested Me now these ten times and have not listened to My voice: surely, they shall not see the...

God will protect us

God will protect us

Dedicated to the Memory of Louis Levine z”l, Baruch Aryeh ben Avraham Halevi, on his Thirteenth Yahrzeit, 19th of SivanAt the burning bush (Shmot 3:8) God promised Moshe that He would save B’nai Yisrael and bring them into the Land of...

Scouts vs. Advisors

Scouts vs. Advisors

Dedicated to the Memory of Louis Levine z"l, Baruch Aryeh ben Avraham Halevi, on his Eighth Yahrzeit, 19th of Sivan When Moshe sends the spies to scout out the Land of Israel, he gives them a list of things to look for (Bamidbar 13: 18-20): And see the...

In God We Trust

In God We Trust

 Dedicated to the memory of Louis Levine z"l, Baruch Aryeh ben Avraham Halevi,    on his third Yahrzeit, 19th Sivan The first chapter of Sefer Devarim teaches us why Moshe allowed the spies to scout out the Land of Israel. Devarim 1:8...

Strengthening Ourselves

Strengthening Ourselves

Dedicated to the memory of Louis Levine z”l, Baruch Aryeh ben Avraham Halevi, on his second Yahrzeit, 19th SivanIn Parshat Shlach, Bamidbar 13:20 Moshe instructs the scouts “…Vehitchazaktem, strengthen your selves and take some fruit of the Land...

Who Was Rachav?

Who Was Rachav?

In the Haftara for Parshat Shlach, Joshua 2:1-24, Joshua sends two spies to see what was happening in Jericho. The spies went straight to the house of Rachav and stayed there. Who was Rachav? In sentence 1, Rachav is described as an “isha...

The Consequences of Slander

The Consequences of Slander

At the beginning of Parshat Shlach, Bamidbar 13, God commands Moshe: "Send for yourself men and have them scout out the land of Cana'an (Israel) which I am giving to B'nai Yisrael; one man; one man each for his father's tribe you shall send them, each leader among...