
The Triple Purim

The Triple Purim

As if Corona hasn’t already made this year crazy enough, this coming week in Jerusalem we will be celebrating Purim Mishulash, three days of Purim! While most other cities in the world will only be observing Purim on Thursday evening and Friday, in Jerusalem...

The Menorah

The Menorah

Parshat Terumah gives us a very detailed description of what the Menorah should look like. Is there any significance to all of the details- the seven lamps, the six branches, the three almond shaped cups on each branch etc?   Although we don’t know...

God Dwells in our Midst

God Dwells in our Midst

In Parshat Terumah we read the words (Shmot 25:8): “V’Asu li Mikdash v’Shachanti Bitocham”, “They shall make a Sanctuary for Me and I will then dwell in their midst”. Abravanel asks the following question:  If God is...

True Blue

True Blue

In the beginning of Parshat Trumah, Shmot Chapter 25, God tells Moshe: "Speak to B'nei Yisrael and have them take for me a terumah (donation) offering.gold, silver and copper, techelet, argaman (purple), tolaat (crimson), fine linen and goats hair, red-dyed ram's...

Building A Holy Sanctuary

Building A Holy Sanctuary

The Gemara in Eruvin 2a-b states that the words Mikdash (Temple) and Mishkan (Tabernacle) can be used interchangeably. If that is the case, then why does the Torah need to use both words?The words Mikdash and Mishkan have different connotations. The root of the...