
The Colors of Royalty

The Colors of Royalty

In Parshat Tetzave, we learn about the special clothing that would be needed for Aharon and his sons, Nadav, Avihu, Elazar and Itamar and the future Kohanim (Priests) that would come after them.The items of clothing as well as the materials and colors that were...

The Biblical Tailors

The Biblical Tailors

In Parshat Tetzave, there are almost 40 verses that deal with the clothing of the Kohen. As we read through the articles of clothing that are mentioned (Shmot 28:4), a few words jump out at us: “These are the garments that they shall make: a breastplate, an...

Oil and Water Don’t Mix

Oil and Water Don’t Mix

Parshat Tetzaveh (Shmot 27:20) starts off with the words "You shall command B.nei Yisrael and have them bring you .shemen zayit zach., pure olive oil made from olives that were crushed for lighting, to keep the lamp (ner tamid) burning constantly."HaRav Yosef...