
Doing the right thing

Doing the right thing

In Parshat Vaetchanan, we learn about many specific mitzvot and then we are told (Dvarim 6:18) “Perform the upright and the good in God’s eyes, in order that you benefit, arrive in and inherit the good land that God swore to your...

Visiting the Good Land

Visiting the Good Land

Sponsored by Daniel and Adina Yoe-Abramson In Honor of Their Birthdays Visiting the Good Land In Parhsat VaEtchanan (Dvarim 3:25), Moshe asks God “Please, allow me to cross over and see the GOOD Land that is across the Yarden, this good mountain and...

The Power of Tachnun

The Power of Tachnun

Parshat Vaetchanan begins with Moshe’s pleading prayer: “And I pleaded to God at that time…” The Sifri comments that there are ten different words for prayer in the TaNaCh: Zaaka (Cry), Shava (Outcry), Naaka (Groan), Tzara (Distress), Rina...