
Be Strong and Courageous!

Be Strong and Courageous!

In Dvarim 31:23, Moshe brings God’s message to Yehosha: Be strong and courageous for you will bring B’nai Yisrael to the Land that I have sworn to them, and I will be with you. In the Book of Yehoshua, in the beginning of Chapter 7, a small Israelite force is...

The 613th Mitzvah

The 613th Mitzvah

Dedicated by Vicky Wu in memory of J.J. Greenberg on his 18th yahrzeit: Time can’t erase the smile and strength left by J.J., it only enriches his memories in our heartsAt the end of Parshat Vayelech (Dvarim 31:19), God commanded Moshe and Yehoshua to write...

True Leaders

True Leaders

Right before Moshe is about to pass away, he passes the reigns of leadership on to Yehoshua.In Parshat Vayelech, Devarim 31:7 we read "Moshe called to Yehoshua and said to him as all of Yisrael watched, .Be courageous and bold, for you shall enter with this people...