
Yaakov’s Troubles

Yaakov’s Troubles

Yaakov had a difficult life. He had to leave home because his brother, Esav wanted to kill him and then 22 years later, when he returned he was still worried that Esav would still be after him.Yaakov lived in Lavan’s home while he was in Padan Aram. Lavan...

Yitzchak’s Secret

Yitzchak’s Secret

In Memory of Dorothy DuBrow z"l on her 10th YahrzeitIn Parshat Vayeshev, right after Yaakov was presented with Yosef’s bloody coat we read (Breisheet 37:34-35): “Yaakov tore his robes and placed sackcloth on his loins. He mourned for his son for...

True Consolation

True Consolation

When Yaakov’s sons brought back Yosef’s coat covered in blood, Yaakov’s reaction was (Vayeshev 37:33): “An evil beast devoured him, Yosef has been torn to pieces.”Yaakov then proceeded to mourn for Yosef- he tore his clothing, wore...