
The Vegetarian Sacrifice

The Vegetarian Sacrifice

The Korban Mincha (meal offering) is unique in that it is a vegetarian sacrifice.  What makes this sacrifice special is that it is much less expensive than an animal sacrifice which makes it affordable for those who are too poor to offer an animal.According to...

Getting Closer

Getting Closer

In Parshat Vayikra, we read about the Korabanot, usually translated as sacrifices. However, the word korban actually comes from the root “karov” which means close. We bring the korban to get close to God.The word karov in Hebrew also means family member...

Yom Kippur in March?

Yom Kippur in March?

The Haftarah for Parsha Vayikra is from Yishayahu 43:21-44:23 and takes place when B’nai Yisrael are already in galut (exile) after the destruction of the First Beit HaMikdash. Yishayahu explains that when B’nai Yisrael had the Beit HaMikdash, they...

The Power of Jerusalem

The Power of Jerusalem

Sefer Vayikra, the third book of the Torah, primarily deals with laws concerning korbanot (sacrifices). In Devarim 12:1-7, The Torah explains that korbanot were only to be offered at the place that God would choose. During the thirty nine year period that B'nai...