
Who is the Army of HaShem?

Who is the Army of HaShem?

In Parshat Bo, after the plagues, we read about the Exodus from Egypt (Shmot 12:51):On that very day, Good took B’nai Yisrael out of Egypt in their multitudes (al tzivotam).One way to read the word “tzivotam” is by their hosts. In other words, the...

Why we should bake matzah

Why we should bake matzah

Even before B’nai Yisrael left Egypt they were already commanded to eat matzah.In Parshat Bo (Shmot 12:8), they received the mitzvah to eat matzah with the Korban Pesach (Pascal Lamb):They shall eat the meat that same night; they shall eat it roasted over the...

Fast Food in the Torah

Fast Food in the Torah

 Health experts are constantly reminding us that we should stay away from fast food as it is not good for you. Was there fast food in the days of the Torah? Was it healthier than the fast food that we have today? While reading Parshat Bo we encounter two...

Spring Ahead!

Spring Ahead!

In Parshat Bo we learn about the season when the Exodus took place. We read in Shmot 13:4: “On this day you went out (from Egypt), in the month of Aviv.” A few questions come up here:Why is the month called Aviv? Isn’t Aviv the name of the...

Pesach All Year Round?

Pesach All Year Round?

When reading the Parshiot which deal with the plagues and the Exodus, one may wonder why it is necessary to hear the story now and then again on Pesach. Actually, the mitzvah of remembering the Exodus from Egypt is performed every day when we recite the end of...