
One More Day…

One More Day…

Parshat Emor teaches us about the different Biblical holidays that we observe throughout the year.This year, in the aftermath of October 7, the holiday that specifically stands out when reading the parsha is Shmini Atzeret (Vayikra 23:34-36):…On the...

The Covenant of the Omer

The Covenant of the Omer

We read in Parshat Emor, Vayikra 23:10,14-15: “Speak to B’nei Yisrael and say to them ‘Ki tavou el Ha’Aretz- when you come into the Land that I give to you and you reap its harvest, you shall bring an Omer of the first fruits of your harvest...

Every drop of oil counts

Every drop of oil counts

In honor of Josh Halickman’s 33rd Bar Mitzvah anniversaryIn Parshat Emor (Vayikra 24:1-2) we read about the olive oil that was needed for the menorah:God said to Moshe, saying; “Command B’nai Yisrael that they bring to you pure olive oil, pressed...

The Mitzvah of the Omer

The Mitzvah of the Omer

In Parshat Emor we read about the Omer. The Mitzah of the Omer is only observed in the Land of Israel, Vayikra 23:10: “When you shall enter the Land that I give you and you reap its harvest, you shall bring an Omer from your first harvest to the...

Celebrating in Jerusalem

Celebrating in Jerusalem

Sponsored by Midreshet Devora www.midreshetdevora.org in Honor of Josh Halickman's 37th Birthday! Celebrating in Jerusalem by Emily Kozlow, a student at Midreshet Devora In Parshat Emor, we read about various laws pertaining to the Kohanim. We continue, and find...

Celebrate Good Times

Celebrate Good Times

Parshat Emor includes a listing of all of the Biblical holidays and how they must be celebrated.  The springtime is full of Jewish holidays. Only a month ago, in Nisan, we were sitting around the seder table celebrating Pesach, the holiday of freedom. Now, we...