
The Jewish Royal Family

The Jewish Royal Family

Part of Yaakov’s bracha to Yehuda is found in Breisheet 49:10: The sceptre (shevet) will not depart from Yehuda, nor a law enforcer (mechokek) from between his descendants until Shilo arrives, and to him shall be an assembly of nations. According to Onkelos, the...

Our Leaders in Battle

Our Leaders in Battle

As we read through Yaakov’s blessings to his children, Gad’s bracha stands out as a tongue twister (Breisheet 49:19):Gad gdud yegudenu vehu yagud akev.Gad will recruit a regiment and it will retreat on its heel.According to Rashi the words...

Yosef’s loving kindness

Yosef’s loving kindness

Parshat Vayechi, Breisheet 50:7-9 lists everyone who went up to C’naan for Yaakov’s funeral:Yosef went up to bury his father; and with him went up all of Pharaoh’s servants, the elders of this house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt. And...

Looking for the Postive

Looking for the Postive

In Parshat Vayechi, (Breisheet 48:10) we read: “Now the eyes of Yisrael were dim from old age, so that he could not see.” Yaakov was 147 years old so it is not surprising that he could hardly see. When are some of the other times in the Tanach...

Yehuda the Young Lion

Yehuda the Young Lion

SPONSORED BY SHARONA, JOSH, DOV AND MOSHE HALICKMAN IN HONOR OF THE BIRTH OF OUR NEW BABY YEHUDA MACCABIShortly before Yaakov passes away, he blesses each of his children. The blessing for his son, Yehuda (Breisheet 49:9) states: "Yehuda is a young lion. You have...

Why Did Yosef Cry?

Why Did Yosef Cry?

Yosef’s brothers made him suffer (he was thrown into the pit, sold into slavery, thrown into prison etc.) yet through all of these hardships the Torah does not describe him crying. However, we do see Yosef cry several times when he is reunited with his...