
The message of the fig

The message of the fig

In Parshat Yitro, B’nei Yisrael received the Torah as a community, yet each individual’s relationship with the Torah is personal and unique.In the Talmud, Eruvin 54, Rabbi Yochanan asks why the words of the Torah are compared to a fig tree as it says in...

Why Only Ten Commandments?

Why Only Ten Commandments?

 Check out the Midreshet Devora Video at www.midreshetdevora.org!  In Parsha Yitro, we read about the revelation at Sinai when God gives B’nai Yisrael the Ten Commandments. Why were there only Ten Commandments given at Mt. Sinai? After all we...

The Importance of Unity

The Importance of Unity

******************************************************SPONSORED BY MITCHELL, TAMI, MATAN AND AVIEL BARAK INHONOR OF THE FIRST BIRTHDAY OF NADIV YAAKOV BENMORDECHAI GIDON AND IN HONOR OF MITCHELL'S BIRTHDAY******************************************************In...