
May Israel dwell securely

May Israel dwell securely

In the Haftara of Parshat Zachor, we read about King Saul’s battle against King Agag of Amalek.The name Agag is only found once in the Chumash, in Parshat Balak, as part of Bilam’s curse to B’nai Yisrael which God miraculously transforms to a...

Zeresh’s Advice

Zeresh’s Advice

Zeresh, Haman’s wife is one of the lesser know characters of the Purim story.   In Chapter 5 of the Megillat Ester, Haman is angry that Mordechai will not bow down to him.  In sentence 14 we read: “And Zeresh his wife and all his friends said,...

Every Action Has a Reaction

Every Action Has a Reaction

A wrongful action can cause a bad reaction many years later. On the other hand, a good action can serve as a tikkun (correction) for a wrongful act.Let's first analyze how a wrongful act can lead to a bad reaction in the future: Yitzchak was sure that Esav, their...