
The pest that has not left

The pest that has not left

In Parshat VaEra, we read about the first seven plagues. The third plague (Shmot 8:12-15) especially resonates with anyone who had an outbreak of lice in their home, school, camp or community: God said to Moshe, “Say to Aharon, Extend your rod and strike the...

Enjoy the good times

Enjoy the good times

In Parshat VaEra (Shmot 6:23), we are introduced to Elisheva:“Aharon took Elisheva, daughter of Aminadav, sister of Nachshon, for a wife and she gave birth to Nadav, Avihu, Elazar and Itamar.”We learn in the Talmud, Zvachim 102a and in the Midrash,...

Why Raanan Shaked* is wrong

Why Raanan Shaked* is wrong

In Memory of David Margolin z”l on his 36th YahrzeitI made aliya 14 1/2 years ago with my husband and two young children. We all read Yediot Aharonot every day. We are Israelis with citizenship and ID cards just like our third son who was born in Israel. We...

Pharaoh the Crocodile

Pharaoh the Crocodile

In Parshat Shmot we read about when God appears to Moshe at the burning bush. Moshe asks God how the Jewish people will believe that he was sent by God. God tells him (Shmot 4:3) “Throw it (the rod) on the ground. He threw it on the ground and it turned into...

The True Redemption

The True Redemption

In Parshat Vaera (Shmot 6:6-8) God tells Moshe "Say to B.nai Yisrael I am God Vehotzeiti- I will bring you out from under the burdens of Egypt, Vehitzalti- I will save you from their slavery. Vega.alti- I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with acts of...

Why Blood?

Why Blood?

In Shmot Raba 9:8 the following question is asked: “Why were the waters first transformed into blood? The answer: Pharaoh and the Egyptians worshiped the Nile. God said “I will strike first his god and then his nation!”Mishnat R. Eliezer 19 asks...