
The First Fruits

The First Fruits

Sponsored by Sharona & Josh Halickman in Honor of Moshe’s High School GraduationAt the end of Parshat Korach, we read about the gifts that the Kohanim receive as a reward for their service.In Bamidbar 18:13, God tells Aharon the Kohen:The first fruits of...

Is Incense Deadly?

Is Incense Deadly?

In Memory of Linda Basch on her 6th Yahrzeit*B’nai Yisrael were wary of the Ktoret (incense) for a few reasons: Aharon’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu died because of the incense as we see in Parshat Shmini, Vayikra 10:1-2: “The sons of Aharon, Nadav...

Did Korach Introduce BDS?

Did Korach Introduce BDS?

In Memory of Linda Basch z”l on her First Yahrzeit**Follow the link to sponsor a shiur for the elderly in Jerusalem in memory of Lindahttp://toratreva.org/Joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=509&Itemid=509 Parshat Korach begins...

Bring Back Our Boys!

Bring Back Our Boys!

In the Haftara for Parshat Korach we read about different times in history when the Jewish people were in danger: Shmuel I 12:8-11: “When Yaakov came to Egypt and your forefathers cried out to God (Vayizaku), God sent Moshe and Aharon and they brought...

Holiness Through Unity

Holiness Through Unity

Korach, Moshe and Aharon’s cousin and fellow Levi, as well as his disciples rose up in a rebellion against Moshe and Aharon and complained (Bamidbar 16:3): “You have taken too much for yourselves, for the entire assembly-all of them- are holy (kulam...