
Did Yaakov recite Tehilim?

Did Yaakov recite Tehilim?

In Parshat Vayetze, Breisheet 31:38-40, Yaakov explains to Lavan: These 20 years that I was with you, your ewes and she-goats never miscarried, and I did not eat any rams of your flocks. I never brought you a mutilated animal. I took the blame for it. You demanded...

Strength during the war

Strength during the war

As we read about Yaakov and Rachel’s relationship in Parshat Vayetzei, this is a good opportunity to talk about Yaakov’s inner strength when he meets Rachel.The story of the first time that Yaakov sees Rachel is in Breisheet 29:9-12:While Yaakov was...

Names with Significance

Names with Significance

In last week’s Parsha, Parshat Toldot, Breisheet 17:18, we read:Yitzchak returned and excavated the wells of water which were dug in the days of his father, Avraham, and were plugged by the Plishtim after Avraham’s death. He gave them the same names...

The Weeping Oak

The Weeping Oak

Parshat Chayei Sarah (Breisheet 24:59) ends with Rivka leaving her home in Padan Aram to marry Yizchak: “So they sent off their sister, Rivka and her nurse along with Avraham’s servant and his men.”At the end of Parsha Toldot (Breisheet 27:43-45)...

Rachel’s reward

Rachel’s reward

In Parhsat Vayetzei, after working for seven years in order to marry Rachel, Yaakov tells Lavan that his term has been completed and he is ready to get married. Lavan gathered all of the local people and made a wedding feast. In Breisheet 29:23,25 the trouble...

Rachel the Shepherdess

Rachel the Shepherdess

In Parshat Veyetzei, Breisheet 29:9 we read “…Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherdess.” According to Ramban, Lavan did not have any other shepherds aside from Rachel, his daughter.” How did Rachel end...

Our Inner Strength

Our Inner Strength

In Parshat Vayetzei, Breisheet Chapter 29, Yaakov traveled to Aram to flee from his brother Esav as well as to look for a wife. When Yaakov arrived in Aram he saw a well. The Torah goes into a long description of how Yaakov couldn't understand why the shepherds...

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Parshat Toldot ended with Esav saying in his heart (Breisheet 27:41): “The days of mourning for my father are approaching, I will then kill my brother, Yaakov.” Rashi explains that Rivka  was informed of what Esav was planning through Ruach...